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an herbal morning pick-me-up best sipped on the stoop


I wish I could drink coffee but I’m just one of the unlucky ones that can’t. Immediate jitters, a surge in anxiety, eye twitching and a hard crash from the nervous system bug-out. I can’t drink it these days and it’s frustrating because I dig coffee.

I drank coffee everyday for a generous chunk of time, usually no more than a cup in the morning with an occasional afternoon espresso if necessary. All of a sudden, a couple of years ago I started getting real jittery with it. The morning pick-me-up wasn’t so fun anymore. So I did some research, which led into more research, pieced some things together and decided to experiment with a coffee break.

As we know, caffeine triggers cortisol production (our stress hormone) which stimulates the nervous system to go into action mode. If someone is already prone to an overly active nervous system (me!) they can suffer from a daily influx of even more cortisol that perpetuates overactivity. An over-worked nervous system can manifest into a lot of physical and mental symptoms and I’ll tell ya, none of them are feel-good vibes. That’s not cool.

I think when left unaddressed, coffee consumption (or any overstimulating foods or activities) can only be tolerated for so long. My body started giving me signals and I tried to do it service by listening. I took a break and gave my nervous system a little rest.

This lifestyle shift really propelled me into seeking more information about underlying stress and anxiety, hormone health and overall wellness. It helped kick-start my weight-loss, improved my mood (hello, gratitude!) and I just started feeling better. Enough so, that even with an occasional espresso maybe once every 5 months or so, I’m cool without the coffee. I’ve let it go. All good. No hard feelings. We just weren’t a match. I’ve moved on! For now. We’ll see. But seriously, for now.

what is dandelion root “coffee”? 

I don’t solely credit my sheer pure will for staying off the coffee caffeine. I knew I needed an herbal replacement that gave me all the thrills I love in my morning cup—earthiness, bitter notes and ENERGY. It took a while but finally I discovered DANDELION ROOT COFFEE.

Dandelion is a plant, a weed actually. It grows from the ground. It flowers. It’s herbal medicine. It’s earthy, bitter and robust enough to stand up to coffee flavors we’ve grown to love. It’s naturally stimulating and my nervous system likes it. I really like it too. It’s my morning cup boo.

I love adding some fat by way of coconut butter to balance out the bitterness. If adding an adaptogen I like to go with chaga here, a superfood mushroom powder. It’s earthy which I find helps give it even more coffee flavor depth. Plus, give me mushroom anything!

If your nervous system is needing a little rest (you’ll know), maybe try taking an extended break from coffee—at least a month to give yourself time to observe and report your self-discoveries. If the thought of going coffee-free sounds like tough work, I think this herbal recipe will at least provide a little comfort. And with consistent consumption the mind-body can enjoy the many, many benefits this weed has to offer.  


INGREDIENTS (one serving):

1-2 dandelion root tea bags (I like it strong so 2 for me)

1 date (discard pit), roughly chopped 

1 tbsp coconut butter or coconut powder

Dash of cardamom

½-1 tsp chaga mushroom powder (optional, or use any other adaptogen you love)

Scoop of collagen (optional)


Blender (if no blender see note below)

Tea kettle or small sauce pot 

Your favorite mug, the one that makes you most happy to sip from


1. Heat 2 cups of water in your tea kettle or sauce pot. Steep tea bags. I use a 2-cup glass pyrex to help me measure the 2 cups of hot water and cover the glass with a plate. Set a timer for 10 minutes.

2. While tea is steeping, add chopped date, coconut butter, cardamom and chaga (if using) to your blender. That won’t take 10 minutes so I like to put dishes away, clean the countertops, or any tidying of the kitchen while I wait. Time efficiency!

3. Once tea is steeped, strain tea bags and get that hot goodness in the blender right away. Blend on high for 45 sec to 1 min. Pour in your favorite mug! 


Let tea mixture sit in blender for a minute or so. I find this helps the froth build. You want froth. Froth is good.


If you don’t have a blender, you can use a handheld electric milk frother. You won’t be able to blend the date so use date syrup instead. This is a great, affordable tool to have in general. All I ask, if you can, is to not buy one from Amazon. Give a smaller guy a chance!


If you have the time, sit down and enjoy your cup of goodness without distraction. Keep the phone and laptop in another room. Read a book, journal or just sit outside with nature, even if that’s your concrete stoop. Relax the mind. When you relax the mind, the plant benefits can work their magic better in the body. Safe to say we should do this when we eat our meals too!


~ assists in cleansing excess heat (inflammation) in the liver. Great for Pittas!

~ aids in digestion and GI health

~ can help purify the blood

~ gentle diuretic for water retention

~ known to have a cleansing effect on the skin


~ reduces Pitta + Kapha from its cooling and bitter qualities

~ the cooling qualities can increase Vata so be mindful with consumption